
This year, TransVision goes to Africa. The Ivory Coast Society for Transhumanism (SIVOT), the French Transhumanist Association (AFT-Technoprog), the African Institute of Bioethics and Humanity+ are organizing this multinational gathering, with the aim of critically analyzing the potential of transhumanism to curb poverty and underdevelopment on a global scale. Hence the theme of the TransVision congress, Abidjan 2025: What transhumanism can do for development in Africa ?

Indeed, the fight for development and against hunger remains one of the major challenges facing a significant proportion of humanity. Although the absence of resources is generally perceived as the defining characteristic of poverty, there are communities that are considered destitute less because of a lack of resources than because of a lack of the technical means required to exploit such potential. In fact, poverty appears to be the appendage of technological inadequacy, but can it not be eliminated by enhancing human technological capabilities? Under what conditions can the augmented human being be a possible solution to the shortfall in wealth production, and thus a solution to poverty and underdevelopment

Non-exhaustive themes

5 themes
– Education: training in transhumanism while fighting poverty

– Culture: rethinking local traditions in the light of technological progress

– Ethics: analyzing the primacy of technological being over material possession

– Equity: thinking about the conditions for equitable access to transhumanism

– Strategy: imagine the receptivity of transhumanism in Africa in 2030

To have a look at past editions of the conference, including videos of the talks, please visit our page on H+Pedia.


Université Félix-Houphouët-Boigny à Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.


En chantier

Expected speakers

Josué Guébo

Figure contemporaine de la poésie africaine, il est également nouvelliste, dramaturge, essayiste et auteur de livres de jeunesse. Sixième président de l’Association des écrivains de Côte d’Ivoire1 (AECI), il est récipiendaire du Grand prix Bernard Dadié, du Prix Tchicaya U Tam’si pour la poésie africaine et du Prix Jeanne de Cavally pour la Littérature enfantine.

Josué Guébo est initiateur et président de la Société ivoirienne de transhumanisme (Sivot)


Armand Ngaketcha Njafang

Chercheur et entrepreneur camerounais dont le parcours témoigne d’un engagement profond dans les domaines de la bioéthique, de l’entrepreneuriat et des relations Québec-Afrique.

Titulaire d’un doctorat de l’Université libre de Bruxelles, il a mené des recherches sur les enjeux éthiques liés aux avancées technologiques, notamment le transhumanisme. Son ouvrage « Nature Humaine et Thérapies régénératrices. Essai de bioéthique progressiste » publié en 2015 reflète son intérêt pour ces questions.


Natasha Vita-More

is Ex. Dir. of Humanity+, Co-Founder of Women in Longevity Leadership, and Founder, Senior Faculty of the Center for Transhumanist Studies. She is known for co-founding the transhumanist movement, innovating the future body prototype with AI and nanorobotics, and achieving a scientific discovery in the persistence of long-term memory in biostasis. She is the co-editor and author of The Transhumanist Reader (2013) and Transhumanism: What is It? (2018). Natasha is featured in The New York Times, Vogue, Wired, and Newsweek magazines.


Marc Roux

Président de l’Association Française Transhumaniste – Technoprog et chercheur affilié à l’Institut for Ethics and Emergent Technologies (IEET). Il a co-organisé cinq fois TransVision, le congrès international transhumaniste. Il est fréquemment consulté pour des études universitaires, par des groupes financiers ou des entreprises, ainsi que par des partis politiques et les médias. Avec Didier Coeurnelle, il est l’auteur du livre TECHNOPROG, le transhumanisme au service du progrès social (FYP 2016), et avec le Pr. Ébénezer Njoh Mouellé de Quelle réception du transhumanisme en Afrique ?, (L’Harmattan 2023).


Ben Goertzel

Founder and CEO of SingularityNET. He is a leading developer of the OpenCog framework for artificial general intelligence. Computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher, and businessman. He helped popularize the term artificial general intelligence.

Ben is currently Chair of the Board of Directors at Humanity+
